dsrc 11

Wine 9.8 (Dev) – Run Windows Applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and macOS



Nearly every time I see “Trust but verify” in a security context, it actually means “Don’t trust;...

Nearly every time I see “Trust but verify” in a security context, it actually means “Don’t trust; verify instead”.


Are Japanese anime robots isometric or allometric?






プリンセス プリンセス 世界でいちばん熱い夏 1987年7月16日

プリンセス プリンセス 世界でいちばん熱い夏 1987年7月16日





I’ve earned that end screen. Have you?

I’ve earned that end screen. Have you?


Earlier version of the Martin Marietta Teleoperator Retrieval System, which would have been used to…


Earlier version of the Martin Marietta Teleoperator Retrieval System, which would have been used to boost the Skylab Orbital Workshop into a higher orbit by STS-2 Columbia.

Date: 1977

NASA ID: S77-002623




Hmm, that doesn’t look right.

Hmm, that doesn’t look right.



The rare Luxor Datorer ABC 802, a personal computer made in Sweden, here shown with its 9-inch monochrome monitor, hard drive and floppy drives mounted on the optional stand.

The ABC 800 series was introduced in 1981, and there were monochrome and color versions available. This was a Zilog Z80 machine that had BASIC in ROM.